Reluctant Genius: The Passionate Life And Inventive Mind Of Alexander Graham Bell
Presentation and reading by author Charlotte Gray, approximately 105 min
15 Apr 2013

I've been wanting to present this remarkable story for years, after hearing Charlotte Gray
Charlotte Gray
Charlotte Gray speak to my son's convocation at Queens University and later reading her book Reluctant Genius: The Passionate Life And Inventive Mind Of Alexander Graham Bell. Bell is typical of the bipolar spectrum personality; full of brilliant ideas, moody, messy, needs a good woman to organize his life. Happily he found one who was his helpmate, a remarkable woman herself. His accomplishments go way beyond inventing the telephone, into all aspects of his world; communication for the deaf, mentor to Helen Keller, sheep breeder, hydrofoil and airplane development, established the National Geographic Society.... it's an amazing life story! event poster

Alexander Graham Bell with telephone, 1876
Alexander Graham Bell with telephone, 1876
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell
Silver Dart
Silver Dart