
Daughter of Chaos
10 March 2012

Another Saturday Live! (also by donation - no reserved seating)

Daughter of Chaos Helani Davison's "Daughter of Chaos" is a creative autobiographical performance on the topics of mental illness and addiction. Now a certified Addictions Counsellor, Davison uses prose and poetry to look back on her six eventful decades. This dramatic reading describes profound struggles of her personal journey, beginning with a childhood traumatized by a mother who suffered from a painful mental illness, Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Saturday 7:00 pm, 10 Mar 2012
Helani Davison
Helani Davison
"My story is not all that I am, but it is all that I have," Davison confirms. A compelling story of 'riches to rags and the struggle to come back' offers compassionate understanding, tapping the greatest of all power sources - hope. Helani's bio

This is another in Movie Monday's occasional series "Saturday Live!" that spotlights writer/performers with lived experience of mental illness and recovery. Times-Colonist article or listen to a radio interview with Helani Davison on 9 Mar 2012 On The Island from CBC Radio British Columbia with Gregor Craigie

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