Movie Monday's Serious Purpose
Aug 1995

Movie Monday shows some silly shows - A Funny Thing Happened to Me on the Way to the Forum - Spaceballs - Some Like it Hot - Mrs. Doubtfire - Annie Hall - it's good to laugh, humour is good medicine. But the underlying purpose of the project is very serious - and it works!

We're achieving all the goals stated in the concept statement. We've had good houses even through the thin summer months when some recommended we shut down for a break. Mrs. Doubtfire and Star Wars packed the theatre and the audiences were 'mixed to the max'. People who've never been to this place before. Audiences having a good time. Some people actually coming because, "it's Monday," and they know something good'll be on, not just because it's a movie they've been wanting to see. I consider that the ultimate compliment.

The program has just recently had a major newspaper article, a tv spot, and is achieving broader recognition. Kids shout out at me 'Hey Movie Monday Guy!' at the recycling depot. I saw a t-shirt on a kid riding down Esquimalt Rd. the other day and our shirts have been to London, Paris, Brussels, even Powell River!

I've been showing 'consumer art' right from the beginning but recently took some artists to this year's World Schizophrenic Conference Art Exhibition in Vancouver - a start on a video documentary that I hope will make a strong statement about the importance of a forum that will encourage "outsiders" to explore their creative abilities. Soon we'll have a sparkling lobby to, at least during M.M. events, show what we can do - what's new. I've just photographed some of the downtown street graffiti art and will be featuring an evening video presentation about that soon.

Included in this six week's set are two excellent movies that will explore the theme on Mental Illness Awareness Week in early October. Another worthy reason for MM - that I hope will 'spin off' a regular forum to explore all the positive materials and initiatives that often are not accessed by the workers and consumers in the field.

Movie Monday is working - see you at the movies.